Hey all! We’d like to welcome you to our new blog! Some of you may have read some of our posts on the SDS Womyn’s Caucus blog when we were members of Students for a Democratic Society and have tagged along to our new blog. And hopefully many of you are new!

Robin and I decided to start Bursting At the Seams because we have moved on to new projects and life phases but still want to blog about all the things on our minds. We both loved the idea of a group blog, which is why the SDS blog suited us so well but we also wanted to open a space for those friends who aren’t current or former SDSers to blog too!

Bursting at the Seams is our place to riff and rant on things that are on our minds. We love examining how power, privilege and oppression play out in different situations -either via media, in our lives, or in the political realm.

If you are interested in contributing please let us know. We are interested in hearing and discussing all types of social justice issues, especially when it relates to gender, sexuality, race, size, and disability.

We welcome respectful comments and encourage discourse on the blog. We will be instituting a comments policy in the near future in order to make this a positive and reaffirming space.

Feel free to e-mail us at seamsblog (at) gmail.com.

Christa and Robin